Some family trees have beautiful leaves, and some have just a bunch of nuts. Remember, it is the nuts that make the tree worth shaking

Friday, May 27, 2011

Puppy Progress Pic-3 Days Old!

They're so cute and Josie is being a great lil mommy!  Hope everyone has a fantastic Memorial Day Weekend!

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Josie's Puppies Are Born!

As is my MO, evidently, I have lapsed in my blogging efforts yet again.  Life always gets so darn busy when you're raising 5 kids.  While there is much to catch up on, this posting I am sharing the pictures of Josie's newest puppies.  At 4:45 am this morning, Tom heard a profusion of licking from Josie and asked if Josie was having her puppies.  Upon further investigation, I discovered a wee little foot sticking out.  After much help on our part to assist the poor pup being born breach, her first baby was delivered.  Unfortunately, she did not survive.  We tried all we could to make the Josie look-alike breathe, but after only two gasps, the puppy just didn't respond and passed away.  By this time, Josie was on to birthing the next two.  She had a white little girl with a brown ring around her tail and then a black little girl with white-tipped toes and a white blaze.  The two pups are doing great and momma is taking fine care of them.  Here's some pics for you to share!