Well, Tom and I had a pretty quiet weekend. Hope everyone else did too!
Drew had his Winter Formal Dance. He was running late so I was only allowed one picture :) He had an okay time. He's a pretty typical teenager so I don't always get a whole lot of information out of him. This week is baseball tryouts for High School so he's been a little anxious, but stoked to be playing his sport again.
Trevin and Austin are still progressing with MMA (Mixed Martial Arts). Today the coach told Trevin he's going to really focus on moving him up into higher levels of boxing and sparring in order to promote him into some kind of tournament or fight. This was very exciting for him!
Zane is having grandma Rita come visit his school on Friday for grandparents day. He is looking forward to this. Kids always enjoy something out of the norm at school. Tomorrow I am volunteering for the book fair at his school as well.
Then we come to little Ainsley. She has really become my little partner in crime these days, with Tom at work and all the other kids still at school. She only goes to pre-school 2 hours a day, and 3 days a week so we have a lot of time at home together. We try to keep each other entertained. She has become quite the proficient shopper!
This weekend, Tom and I are hoping to do something fun and affordable with the kids. I'd love to hear of any ideas anyone has....
I"ll keep you posted,